Sandra Zelent-Kraciuk, MSc
A cosmetologist with a particular interest in cosmetic chemistry.
A cosmetologist with a particular interest in cosmetic chemistry.
Neither a single ingredient of a formula nor any component of technological production will ever escape her attention. By combining her knowledge in chemistry with cosmetology, Anna Galbarczyk is able to comprehensively assess the effectiveness of cosmetics, and her experience in teaching chemistry allows her to explain to our clients even the most complex of…
As a safety assessor, Iwona Białas combines the key competences of a chemist, toxicologist and cosmetologist. Consequently, the cosmetic safety assessment prepared by CosmetoSAFE is reliable and multi-faceted.
The phenomenon of greenwashing, also in the cosmetics industry, has been discussed for a long time. On the one hand, the intense activities of the EU and the successively implemented policies of the Green Deal, and on the other hand, the activity of consumers, make us look at this phenomenon more and more closely.
Have you noticed that recently the regulations on the use of titanium dioxide (TiO2) in cosmetics have been changed significantly?