olejki eteryczne

Essential Oils | Chemical-free

For years, we have been talking about the fact that “natural” isn’t equal to “safe” in chemistry and toxicology. However, to believe that some people still need illustrative examples. That’s why we’ve collected a few below. 

In common opinion the synthetic fragrances are potentially dangerous, while natural essential oils don’t have such associations in our minds. Proponents of natural fragrances seems to forget what is the reason of recommendation of not using the essential oils in an undiluted/concentrated form onto the skin!

Anna Galbarczyk, MSc

Neither a single ingredient of a formula nor any component of technological production will ever escape her attention. By combining her knowledge in chemistry with cosmetology, Anna Galbarczyk is able to comprehensively assess the effectiveness of cosmetics, and her experience in teaching chemistry allows her to explain to our clients even the most complex of…

Iwona Białas, PhD

As a safety assessor, Iwona Białas combines the key competences of a chemist, toxicologist and cosmetologist. Consequently, the cosmetic safety assessment prepared by CosmetoSAFE is reliable and multi-faceted.